My experience was as Robin Wall Kimmerer describes. In 1997, I followed the instructions of the late Ojibway elder, Carolyn Oliver, to go into nature every morning and before bed each evening and give thanks to (not for) everything I witnessed or could think of. I was surprised and delighted to discover an animate world that appreciated my appreciation! I felt known and loved by aspects of the natural world and received spiritual guidance at times that supported my learning, healing, and life’s work. This practice turned my notion of prayer on its head and had me so joyous that I would, at times, skip and sing as I walked along the streets. I experienced a depth of appreciation for the first time, which was very different from the experience of polite ‘thank yous’ I learned as manners. Expressing gratitude to nature is a brilliant way to get right with nature.

I invite you to begin or enhance a practice of Nature Gratitude. There is so much medicine to be gained! This practice will help you experience; healing from the illusion that you are separate, the joy of connection and relationship, open you to nature’s unique guidance, and amplify your own and Earth’s crystalline frequency for the benefit of all.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to nature.” ~ Charles Eisenstein ~

The book “Prayers of Gratitude” is available in print and on Kindle, here:
